Things That Make An iPhone game Design Ugly

The key thing that separates most successful games from their competition is the game design that they have. Of course functionality, marketing and usefulness but with Apple’s design philosophy is strict and most important. For most people, a great iPhone game design is out of reach. Mainly due to the fact that getting one is quite expensive.

But if we want to make our own design from scratch then here are some of the key iPhone game design pitfalls you should try to avoid.

Web 2.0 Design Elements
Web 2.0 elements make designs look incredibly tacky. Doesn’t fit with apples high end game design philosophy that the reason it’s look ugly. We should avoid using design elements like these as much as possible.

Bad Color Combinations
Another reason choice of color combination. To avoid this we can check out resources like the color search tool. One of the best and easy way where you can type in a color then search for the ones that match it, by viewing the results and how they use it.

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  • Andrew Foulks